The adaptive programs are provided for individuals ages 8 through adulthood and occur during their respective seasons. Sports offered include aquatics, bocce ball, bowling, basketball, golf, floor hockey, cheerleading, soccer, swimming, tennis, and track & field. The collaboration also provides several special interest classes including Zumba, theater, and cooking as well as outdoor programs like Camp Carley and California Adventure. Another fun opportunity with Team Mesa is the TGIF Social Club which is designed for individuals ages 16 and older who can function independently while in a group setting with supervision of staff. Typically, the social club opportunities are offered twice per month on Friday evenings during the fall and Winter/Spring seasons. Activities may vary from karaoke and game night to a Diamondbacks Game.
The collaboration serves as the Mesa delegation of Special Olympics Arizona (SOAZ), the state chapter charged with providing year-round sports training and competitions for the entire state. The training schedule for each program is based on the competition schedules as determined by SOAZ. Athletes have the choice whether or not to compete in the SOAZ competitions. If the athlete will compete in SOAZ competitions, a Registration Form must be completed and submitted to the City of Mesa office. The document is valid for three years from the date of the doctor’s and participant’s (or guardian’s) signatures. Athletes without an up-to-date Medical & Consent Form will not be allowed to participate in SOAZ competitions.
Benefits of our programs:
Increased quality of life
Increased self-confidence
Improved health and wellness
Fewer medical problems
Greater stamina in everyday activities
Increased social skills
Participate in a group of people with similar ability levels
Gain leadership and team building skills
Develop a peer and parent support system
Team Mesa Sportsline
Receive one email per month with upcoming programs, events, and unique opportunities with the Team Mesa Adaptive programs. Visit here to enter your preferred email address. Select “Adaptive Social Programs” and/or “Adaptive Sports Programs” from the listserv options. You will receive an email from the listserv to click a link and confirm your subscription. Once confirmed, you will receive an email notification on the first of every month.
Contact Information
Register for Team Mesa
To register, find more information, and/or find the yearly schedule for sports, special interest classes, and the TGIF Social Club activities, please click below.
Special Notice
Due to the unique partnership between the organizations, the registration forms and payment are monitored and collected by the City of Mesa Parks and Recreation.
“I love being a part of Team Mesa! We have fun and the coaches are amazing!”
Beth Rusk, Athlete
Coming soon in 2025!
Duck N Run Friendship League
Our friends with the Duck & Run Golf Tournament make it possible to offer this amazing golf opportunity! We invite unified golf teams, one developmentally disabled athlete and a partner, to join us for 9-holes of golf! Just like your regular golf season, we will play nine holes of alternate-shot golf enjoying the camaraderie of the sport at a variety of golf courses around the Valley. Don’t miss out on this spring’s Duck N Run Friendship League. Registration for the 2025 league here. The generosity of the Duck & Run allows us to offer this program at NO CHARGE!!
Questions can be directed to Carol.