Want to Join the AzDS Board of Directors?


Arizona Disabled Sports functions with an all volunteer Board of Directors. If you are interested in joining our board, please review the expectations listed below.  You may contact the Board President or Executive Director for more information about joining the Board. 


Expectations of Board members:

  • Be an active advocate for the people with disabilities and to ensure that no person with a disability sits on the sidelines.
  • To know and understand the budget and take an active part in fund raising to meet the goals.
  • To ensure the success of the Ability Ball by attending, providing at least three auction items, and by selling or purchasing at least one table.
  • To encourage the athletes of AzDS by attending and assisting in at least three program events each year.
  • To attend all board meetings or arrange in advance with the President to be excused. (Honorary members have all of the expectations listed above, but are not required to attend all meetings and, consequently, do not have the right to a vote on issues.)

Please click on the button below to complete and submit the application if you wish to support the organization at this level.